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Alien Spidy: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Возрастной рейтинг: 6+
Категория: Kalypso Media Digital
Разработчик: Enigma Software
Жанр: Экшен / Приключения / Инди
Локализация: Английский
Платформы: PC
Издатель: Kalypso Media Digital Ltd
Регионы: Россия
Минимальные системные требования: os: Windows XP SP3 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista, processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.86 GHz, ram: 1 GB RAM (Microsoft® Windows® XP) / 1.5GB (Microsoft® Windows® Vista), video_card: Intel HD 3000 / Geforce GT 540M, directx: 9.0, sound_card: Совместимая с DirectX, additionally: 60 FPS при разрешении 848x480, hdd: 2 ГБ, internet:
Рекомендуемые системные требования: os: , processor: , ram: , video_card: , directx: , sound_card: , additionally: , hdd: , internet:
Система активации: Steam
Цена: 49
Будет начислено бонусов: 1
Состояние товара: новый
Артикул: buka-4573
Наличие: В наличии
Ключевые особенности:
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Внимание! Для запуска требуется наличие игры Alien Spidy.

Now unlock 3 more ridiculously difficult “Special” levels, which are set to test your ability and skill to the very extreme!

Once again you are set a challenge that has you travelling through the Forest, but this time there is no mercy! The smallest mistakes will send you right back to the start of this most brutal and unforgiving level. If you really think that you have what it takes to get Spidy from A to B then be our guest…

Determination is what you will need when you are dropped straight into an underwater cave! No wait, determination and a lot of speedy quick reflexes, because without these there is certainly no way you can beat this level. Challenge accepted?

Until now Spidy has never felt so helpless. You have to guide him out of the deepest and darkest depths of the caves; there is no sign of life anywhere! Don’t be miss lead, there is still plenty of danger this far into the earth’s crust, as you are in far less control due to wind tunnels, floating spores and unstable stalactites. You’ll be more than happy to reach the end, if you can?!

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